Dominik Dürrenberger




Dieu I talk cum ti
Schlofsch tu denn schon so deep
My dear, oh listen zu, wenn ich parle con te.
Or shallt thou not, ergo non sono triste
I see you are overwhelmed con lavoro duro.
Myself I shall take in mini Händ
La mia vita.
La vida mi sembra avec une silver lining.

dd3.September 06


Oh Dieu

What, oh dear Dio, happened to you,
quand deux aeroplani
shattered the lives von thousands.

Hast Du gelegen con i diavoli?
Du hast spaventato le anime di billions de vie
Cum ardore.

Wenn Du Drähte gezogen an dieser catastrofo
Dell`umanità, dann tu sei un Dieu der lauten Geräusche.

Doch, ich, treffe mich der Blitz Deines Zorns immediately,
I am looking for a Deus di pace, der leisen Töne.

dd4.September 06


Amélie - Mon amour

Mis Herzeli wird ganz lourd
quand je pense que tu non più sei qui.

dd4.September 06



Sometimes, mir scheint`s, ich hab no Herz.
No, me luv, je n`ai pas de coeur.
When it hurts, I deny its words.
Sì, mi manca il cuor.
Mio cuore piccolo comme un oiseau,
Mi sembra essere un uccello,
Battando le ali, gently to a rhythm, unheard.
Seine Melodie, unvernommen.
Dans un église grand comme un bateau, a cathedral.
Et le bateau auf diesem grossen Ozean
Treibt umher in despair cercando un porto
So many phares at the seashores.
But none of them speaks la mia lingua.
I have visions of you my port, of you my port
You and me, my port
Moi couché, couché dans il tuo Schoss.

Sometimes, it seems, I have no heart
For its rivers flow in gentle streams.
My heart, its rivers flow in gentle streams.
So gentle, I can hardly hear what it means.
Sometimes, it seems, my heart is an open book
Denied and therefore locked.

Und, ich weiss, je sais, ich hab` ein Herz.
Oui, je sais, il ne me manque pas.
Corazon, no, non manca.

dd4.September/ 21./22.Dezember 07



Ta peau, elle ressemble l`ivoire d`un elephant
Of young years striding through the Steppen der trockenen Wüste
Com`una creatura ferita/ piena di dolore cercando l`acqua che la libera/ gli da soddisfazione/ che calma/ placa la sua sete.

dd 4.Januar 08


Mi Soave

Cum ardore, ti penso, mi soave.
Ti vedo ballando l`italiano nel casino dell`ogni giorno,
So who cares.
I see you, you, my port, you and me, my port on a balcony, my port
Sunlit, for the last sunbeams shine so bright.
You, my dear, you and me my dear, and a cup,
A cup of tea, and another one, makes not three,
But two, makes tea for two, for two a tea.
Senti le vent come un sospiro.
And somewhere, quelque part, I hear this melody,
Can you hear it, too?
It sounds like: Where do you go to, my lovely,
Where do you go to, my dear
Mi soave, dimmi, para donde vas?
No, don`t, for you never know.

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot

dd 7.Februar 08
A day of tea and some little wine


The Japanese Cherry Tree and the Bee, the Humming Bee

People like me
They will be
On this tree
With Japanese Cherry.

Like a humming bee
High up on this tree
I can see
How flowers grow up to me.

So you see
Why I live here
High up in this tree
It makes me
So you see
A bearer of my key.

So I invite thee for a tea
Or three
We will drink it on one knee
And the other knee
Well, it`s free.

Just like a bee
As free as a bee
A humming bee
High, up high on my tree
My Japanese Cherry Trrrreeeeee.

dd4.September 08